Halt The Heist - Changelog

10/11/2021 Changelog 
- Zoom on map by using the mouse-wheel 
- Click on cameras on map to access them more easily
- Player reach reduced
- Fixed door-bug
- 3 more cameras for the bottom of the map added
- Fixed bug with the login system
- Thief is now slower while carrying the diamond
- Added partial gamepad support
- Improved latency
- "Poking" now shows in other's game
- Added language selection for 2 languages (Danish and English)
- Changed the map a bit
- The security officer can now lock areas
- Fixed some fullscreen issues
- Mouse on menu now
- Added audio
- Added credits

11/03/2021 Changelog
- Added a shop
- New login screen
- Added currency and server-side loading/buying items/clothing
- Added reward (currency) when finishing a game
- New look on 'Game over' screen
- Added tutorial for hacker and security

12/01/2021 Changelog
- New map!
- Refreshed almost all art, new look!
- Panning cctv cameras!
- Fixed some server hosting issues that happened sometimes
- Added a new selection system
- Added rain and thunder effect
- Added bushes to hide in instead of closets
- Vents work better now
- Some surfaces can now be shined through a bit (glass)
- Size from 960x540 to 640x360
- Fixed more on the menu system
- Added "Find Game" feature
- Fixed some tripwire issues 

12/28/2021 Changelog
- Added Achievements
- Added Stats
- Fixed multiple game issues
- Added more general art
- Menu system even better with more interactivity
- Gamepad system is working about 90%
- Updated and added Credits
- Multiple screensizes!
- Added Inventory for bought Items
- Fixed some of the issues with the pause-screen
- Changed the platforms (lobby)
- Simplified some of the lighting
- Better system for when players loose connection
- Fixed some visual bugs for the walls
- Added "Lobby Control", in which you can change default settings for the game, kick players and make the lobby public
- Added new keypad for Guard
- Added new "disable tripwire" UI
- Added new wirescreen
- Added new player character
- Added 1 batch of clothes and costumes
- Fixed menu screen bug when you use mouse and keyboard at the same time
- Fixed some on-map collision issues
- Added clothes to the players and other players in lobby/game

12/30/2021 Changelog
- Added "hop" animation
- Fixed wall-light issue (yas!)
- Rain/thunder looks better now
- Game settings syncs now
- Fixed several bugs
- Added flashlight and bag on thief (toggleable in the menu)
- Added more tripwires
- Added keyboard check for keypad
- Added minimap back
- Added hammer-icon
- Added an Easteregg 

03/01/2022 Changelog
- Added Dash ability for Thief
- Added a 'Taser' for the Guard, with pickups
- Added a retro-style minigame
- Added hex-minigame
- Added 'Counterhack' for both Hacker and Surveillance
- Added 'Location-hack' for both Hacker and Surveillance
- Reveal the opponents player
- Reveal hammer/diamond/taser part location
- Spawn taser part
- Added mud-trails when Thief hides in bushes
- Added breakable plants
- Added various sounds
- Added music
- Added multiple spawn-points for Thief
- Added multiple spawn-points for hammer & diamond
- Added partial Replay system
- Added more Cameras
- Added Thief's tutorial, partially the others
- Added hotkeys (1, 2, 3, 4) for Hacker/Surveillance
- Changed hiding time for Thief
- Changed default lobby settings
- Changed speed of lobby camera
- Fixed the 'Catch' bug
- Fixed login/create account issues
- Fixed various server issues
- Fixed the Credits screen
- Fixed some typos
- Fixed bug where only host could do emotes
- Fixed text bug on 4k monitors
- Fixed visual bugs on map

05/06/2022 Changelog
- Added missing sounds
- Added missing music
- Added new UI features
- Added VC
- Added proximity VC
- Added VC settings
- Added VC game setting
- Added new Achievement art
- Added new Shop art
- Added "radio" listening device for Surveillance
- Added hack popup and tray effect for Hacker/Surveillance
- Added flag alert
- Added proximity audio
- Added partial mechanic "Guard-stance"
- Added random tripwire spawn
- Added lobby chat
- Added menu easteregg
- Added "4 screen CCTV-footage"
- Added icons for hack-selection
- Added mic-check and selection
- Added some new minimap-elements
- Added names on map
- Added icons instead of names of cameras on map
- Added animated water
- Added more map-art
- Cleaned up some UI
- Cleaned flashlight control
- Cleaned up some collisions
- Cleaned up disconnection for lobby with new messages
- Cleaned some typos
- Removed Reveal player for Surveillance
- Reduced filesize from 65mb to about 15mb!
- Fixed notification alert not appearing
- Fixed "Break" text though not having an hammer
- Fixed wrong exit-screen on login
- Fixed Taser crash
- Fixed not-so-random taser spawn
- Fixed minimap-text

06/01/2022 Changelog
- Added: Resolution and fullscreen is now saved
- Added names to CCTV cams on Live Footage 
- Added more stuff to the lobbies
- Changed for some wide screens fullscreen stretching issues, added black bars instead
- Changed lobby role selection sound
- Fixed wrong lobby cam position when starting a new game
- Fixed guard winning crash
- Fixed tutorial collision-box missing
- Fixed some tutorial text-on-white-bg issues
- Fixed too much text on tutorial
- Fixed Surveillance's tutorial regarding the notifications
- Fixed invisible characters on login input fields (eg. spaces)
- Fixed login-screen button being too big
- Fixed bug where some objects would partly disappear on CCTV
- Fixed "Find game" not finding public lobbies properly
- Fixed a wrong wording in the Thiefs tutorial
- Fixed "Back" issue on login-screen
- Fixed small bug when exiting while selecting a setting
- Fixed player sometimes not moving when jumping 

06/07/2022 Changelog
- Added new minigame
- Added "Swedish" as a new language
- Added gates for entrances to the museum
- Added a secret
- Added (a lot) more plants to the museum
New Gameplay
- Added an alarm when the Thief steals the diamond
- Added a phone for the hacker to call a getaway driver
- Added an exit for the Surveillance to become a second guard once the alarm is on
Changes and fixes:
- Changed: Reduced waiting time on hacker/surveillance by a lot
- Changed some car animations
- Updated the fonts
- Fixed new lobby sometimes not working and spawning in the rain only
- Fixed some camera-issues on "Office" map
- Fixed missing fence on "Museum" map
- Fixed nametag issue for guard
- Fixed various small fullscreen issues
- Fixed weird "inverted light" issue
- Fixed crash when no mics are found
- Temporary fix for see player through wall bug
- Fixed platform in lobby bug
- Fixed upper fence drawing issue 

06/15/2022 Changelog
- Added a "need help" on the login page
- Added a sneak-mode for the Thief
- Added a Pacman minigame
- Added a Memory card minigame
- Added a Simon Says minigame
- Added a Routing minigame
- Added a "Check Hammers" for Surveillance
- Added diverse sounds for pot smashing
- Added wet footstep sounds
- Added various sounds to the Hacker/Surveillance
- Added music for the minigames
- Added sfx for getaway phone
- Added a vfx for text limit on chat
- Added limit to spawning taser-parts
- Fixed a hiding bug where you could get stuck in the wall
- Fixed various visual glitches
- Fixed taser-parts spawning on top of eachother
- Fixed some minor lobby issues
- Fixed not able to move when using chat
- Fixed getaway trigger for Surveillance regarding minigames
- Fixed lobby "Start game" not dissapearing at right times
- Fixed hammer not being revealed sometimes when a new hammer has been taken already
- Fixed a pin bug looking like it would move when it didnt
- Fixed 2nd getaway car turning wrong way
- Fixed some typos
- Fixed a bug which allowed to call getaway car just on East Entrance
- Flipped the severed head upside down for better sound orientation
- Changed the time for the guard reveal on the Thief's minimap
- Changed mic position on surveillance/hacker
- Changed Stance default key to "shift"
- Changed the minigame timers on Hacker/Surveillance to different timers for each hack/game

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